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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

firsT daY kerja!

assalammualaikum sume..hye there!wat pe?sehat x?huhu..hope,u all sehat saje okay?today, is start keje..kat s.alm jual tudg..this is my part time job!smntare nk tggu masok practical lagi 2weeks..hehe..dok uma x wat pe..baek i keje..dpt duet..alhamdulillah..i dpt bos yg baek sgt..i dtg2,act i x breakfast pon..tp,bos tnye dh breakfast or lum?i ckp dh..1 jer habit i bile keje..mmg xkan mkn..klu masok awl pgi smpi balek la i x mkn..boley kurs x beb?hehe..msti boley an?i bkn ape...i rse mls mkn tu..hehe..boley lak an ckp mcm tu?then,my bos blikan i roti bakar n milo ais..thanz to kak iely sbb blnje saye..hehe..i ade dua bos,kak lin n kak iely..dua2 baek..suke kerja ngan dowg..lembut je..hehe..org2 kat situ pon peramah gak..hehe..happy jugak la..tp, agk boring sbb x de customer..ermm..jempotlah dtg okay?hehe..pas tu my bos ckp, lupe nk surh ieka bwk laptop..ley on9 skali..sbb kat cni boring x rmi org..ermm..so,start esok..i bwk lappy..hehe..ermm..
yg klakr bangat tuh, i baru keje..tp,dh rase mcm nk demam..mybe tempat tu baru tok i and sejuk..i ni,x ley sgt dok dlm tpmt sejuk lame2..msti x sehat..haisyhhh...susah tol..

so,pape pon i happy..pergi kerja dapat duet!yeah..
peace yauww~